Introduction to Bodybuilding

Getting Started...                                                                                    

    There is nothing as good as Bodybuilding to get your body tuned up and totally get in shape. It doesn't matter whether you want to reduce fat from your waist or to pack on muscle mass, whether you want to develop strength or endurance power. The only activity that can build the entire body evenly and uniformly is progressive weight resistance training.

Let me tell you a short story as an example of Progressive weight resistance training...

Milo built his phenomenal strength using Progressive Overload by lifting and carrying a baby calf every day until it eventually grew into a full-grown bull. 

Milo was a 6th-century BC wrestler from the Magna Graecian city of Croton. The story goes that Milo’s father gave him a newborn calf when he was a boy. Each day his father would ask Milo how big the calf was growing. So Milo would lift the calf onto his back to see how heavy it was. Each day Milo would lift up the calf, and as the calf grew bigger, Milo grew stronger! 
            The good news is that these days you don’t have to live on a farm and lift growing cows to build muscle and strength. You can simply go to the gym and lift progressively heavier weights. Weight resistance training develops every single muscle in your body.

Mind and Body

You must consider that in the beginning, you are training the mind as well as the body. The mind, after all, makes you want to train; it turns on the body. Because the mind motivates you to train the body, you have to train the mind first. If the mind doesn't want to work out, the body won't work.

The mind is incredible. Once you've gained mastery over it, you can do anything. I mean anything. The secret is to make your mind work for you--- not against you. This means constantly being positive, constantly setting up challenges every single day.  " I can't..." should be permanently stricken from your mind. You must see yourself always growing and improving. Remember this "if you are not getting better, you are getting worse".

Finding a reason:

You should not go to the gym because someone told you. That isn't a good reason, because you would be trying to satisfy someone else's wishes, not your own. You should have a very good reason why you want to get into weight resistance training. The best thing to do is to sit down say to yourself honestly, "why should I start weight resistance training?". Because the reason or the purpose you find to start training motivates you.

Start Training.

 In the beginning, it is advisable for you to start training with"Bodyweight exercises". You can do these exercises at home without any equipments. Basic bodyweight exercises like the Cardio exercises, push-ups, pull-ups, squats, and bicycle crunches.

Cardio exercises:

Cardio exercises are very important for every single human being. Because they keep heart healthy which is very important. Exercises like jogging, walking,  running, playing sports, swimming, or just doing Burpees, etc,
Jogging for at least 30 minutes in the morning in a fresh air is all you need for a healthy heart and for fat loss.


Push-ups are an excellent exercise for the chest, shoulders, and arms(Triceps). don't let your ego get in the way of your progress. Just remember this: The important thing is to do the exercise correctly; that counts for everything. That's why I introduced the basic exercises first, because if you start doing the basic bodyweight exercises without any problems and without cheating, then you will go on into weight training without cheating.

 How to do: Place your hands approximately shoulder width apart. Always keep your shoulders back and down and hold your body perfectly straight and inhale(breath in) as lower your body to the floor, allowing only your chest to touch and exhale(breath out) as you push your body up and squeeze your chest muscles. Do as many as you can without cheating and repeat at least 3 sets.


Pull-ups are one of the best exercises to build a wide back and arms.

How to perform: Take underhand grip(palms facing towards your body)on a bar or on a slab of your room, with the hands about 15 inches apart. Starting with your arms straight take a big breath and grab the bar and pull up your body until your chin is over the bar and squeeze your back and arm muscles. then exhale slowly while lowering your body slowly until your arms are straight. Do as many repetitions as you can, trying for a total of 30.


Squats are known as the king of all exercises. They build up total body strength, build legs muscles(thighs) and strengthen your hips. 

How to do: Stand with your feet shoulder width apart and take a big breath and squat down until your thighs are parallel(90° degrees) to the floor, then raise yourself slowly up and breath out.  Try to do at least 50 reps.

Bicycle Crunch:

Bicycle crunches target abdominal muscles(abs) and Obliques.

How to perform:

Lie on the flat floor keeping your body straight, keep your hands behind your head and try to touch your knees alternately and exhale while contracting your abdominal muscles. Do 25 reps each side.

    Note: Remember the breathing method, exhale(breath out) while you touch your elbows to your knees and inhale(breath in) while you go back.

 Continue these exercises for at least 21 days because these basic exercises are the foundation before you get into weight resistance training. Be honest, stay focused, maintain discipline, eat a balanced diet, stay away from junk foods, and enjoy your healthy Lifestyle.

Stay tuned for the next workout routine... 
       See you in the next blog guys...


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