How to get Six Pack Abs...
Guaranteed ways to get six pack abs...
Yes... Anyone can get six-pack abs. Because we all are genetically gifted with the abs but, they are covered with fat. If we reduce the body fat percentage then the abs will pop out from your belly. Trust me guys you too can have awesome abs.
I see a lot of people with massive arms, chest and a wider back. But, they don't have visible abdominal muscles(abs). They should work on it so today, I am going to tell you a 3 simple but, effective tips on how to reduce body fat percentage and get six-pack let's get started.
I see a lot of people with massive arms, chest and a wider back. But, they don't have visible abdominal muscles(abs). They should work on it so today, I am going to tell you a 3 simple but, effective tips on how to reduce body fat percentage and get six-pack let's get started.
1. Reduce body fat.
The best ways to reduce body fat is intermittent fasting or reducing high caloric intake or by just consuming low carbohydrates, and high protein in your diet. Try consuming healthy fats like Omega3's (Almonds, Walnuts, and Fish) in your diet. Because these kind of fats don't increase your body fat but, helps in fat loss. Try avoiding carbonated drinks as much as possible and replace it with green tea. Because green tea contains high anti-oxidants which boost immunity and helps to reduce body fat.
2. Increase Cardio training.
Try to do at least 45-60 minutes of cardio training (jogging, running, swimming, playing sports which involve running activities), 5 or 6 times a week. Because cardio training lowers bad cholesterol and helps in effective fat loss.
3. Train your abs.
Ab training is very important to get ripped blocky visible abs so, train your abs every other day (one-day on and one-day rest). Just follow these 3 exercises:
Ab crunches:
Leg raises:
Bicycle crunches:
These 3 exercises target all abdominal muscles and breathing method is same for all these 3 exercises, just breath out when you contract (squeeze) your abs. Never hold your breath for a long time. Do this exercises at least 30-45 minutes a day and 4 days a week for best results.
So, guys,... My name is Sakhib khan and these are my 3 simple and effective tips to get your abs pop out from your belly. I hope this will help you.
See you in my next blog post... Bye.
Bicycle crunches:
These 3 exercises target all abdominal muscles and breathing method is same for all these 3 exercises, just breath out when you contract (squeeze) your abs. Never hold your breath for a long time. Do this exercises at least 30-45 minutes a day and 4 days a week for best results.
So, guys,... My name is Sakhib khan and these are my 3 simple and effective tips to get your abs pop out from your belly. I hope this will help you.
See you in my next blog post... Bye.
Hey Sakhib, Thanks for sharing your workout tips here on this blog. The techniques and exercises you suggested can provide a well-toned physique along with strength. This well help many people looking for proper guidance and tips for six pack abs. Keep up the good work.