Basics of bodybuilding nutrition
Eating for muscles...
When it comes to building massive muscles, one should have a basic understanding of nutrition. An exercise program is not enough to promote muscle growth.
Ok!... I know what are you looking for? Today I am going to explain the basics of Bodybuilding Nutrition. I hope this would serve the needs of most people. There are three primary nutritional elements---Proteins, Carbohydrates, Fats, and last but not least Water.
Protein is the most important element to the bodybuilder. Protein helps in muscle growth, maintenance, and repair of muscle tissue. The amount of protein needed by the average person to build muscle is 1.4 grams of protein per 1 kg of body weight i.e,(your body weight in kgs×1.4grams)= recommended protein intake per day.
Best sources: Chicken breast, Eggs, Fish, Lean Beef, Dairy products, Beans, and Nuts.
Carbohydrates raise blood sugar level(Glucose) and supply energy to muscles and acts as fuel. You need at least 300 grams of carbohydrates a day.
Best sources: Oats, Rice, Bread, Sweet Potatoes, Fruits, and Vegetables.
Fats too are essential to a good diet. Not only do they heat your body and lubricate your body parts, they also provide a necessary base for carrying vitamins A, D and E.
Take 0.5 grams of fats per 1kg of bodyweight.
Especially fats like Omega3 fatty acids are very important for every human in this world.
Best sources: Almonds, Cashews, Walnuts, Peanuts, Olive oil, and Fish.
Aside from Proteins, Carbohydrates, and fats, you should have adequate Vitamins and Minerals. They perform hundreds of roles in the body. They help shore up bones, heal wounds, and boosts your immune system. They also convert food into energy and repair cellular damage.
The following are the Vitamins your body needs to maintain itself properly:
Vitamin A- important to good vision and skin texture.
Sources: Eggs, liver, Milk, Carrots, and Spinach.
Vitamin B complex(B12 including niacin, riboflavin, and thiamine)- essential to a good balance of the nervous system and digestive system.
Sources: Eggs, whole grains, poultry, green veggies, fish, fruits, and milk.
Vitamin C- good for skin, hair, absorbs iron, promotes healing, generally strengthens the skeletal and vascular system.
Sources: Green vegetables and Citrus fruits like Lemons, Indian gooseberry(Amla), Oranges, and Tomatoes.
Vitamin D- essential for strong teeth and bones.
Sources: egg yolks, fish, milk, and direct sunlight.
Vitamin D- essential for strong teeth and bones.
Sources: egg yolks, fish, milk, and direct sunlight.
Vitamin E- important for the functioning of the circulatory, respiratory, and reproductive systems.
Sources: vegetable oils, nuts, sunflower seeds, and leafy green vegetables.In addition to Vitamins, and in many cases to make certain vitamins available to your body, you require adequate amounts of following Minerals:
Mineral functions and sources...
• needed for healthy bones and teeth, normal blood clotting, and nervous system functioning.
• sources: dairy products, broccoli, cabbage, kale, tofu, sardines and salmon.
• needed for the formation of hemoglobin, which carries oxygen from the lungs to the body cells.
• sources: meats, eggs, dark green leafy vegetables, legumes, whole grains and enriched food products.
• needed for healthy bones and teeth, energy metabolism, and acidbase balance in the body.
• sources: milk, grains, lean meats, food additives.
• needed for healthy bones and teeth, proper nervous system functioning, and energy metabolism.
• sources: dairy products, meat, fish, poultry, green vegetables, legumes.
• needed for cell reproduction, tissue growth and repair.
• sources: meat, seafood, and liver, eggs, milk, whole-grain products.
Pantothenic Acid:
• needed for energy metabolism.
• sources: egg yolk, liver, kidney, yeast, broccoli, lean beef, skim milk, sweet potatoes, molasses.
• needed for synthesis of hemoglobin, proper iron metabolism, and maintenance of blood vessels.
• sources: seafood, nuts, legumes, green leafy vegetables.
Manganese: needed for enzyme structure.
• sources: whole grain products, fruits and vegetables, tea.
• sources: whole grain products, fruits and vegetables, tea.
Water is needed to transport oxygen, glucose(energy) and other nutrients to cell and waste out of the body. 70% of our body is all water. Always stay hydrated and drink at least 4 liters of water a day.
As I explained above, is the basics of bodybuilding nutrition.
Guys, if you have any kind of questions related to bodybuilding or fat loss please comment below, like, share and don't forget to subscribe for upcoming posts...
My name is Sakhib khan and I am here to help you to achieve your goals.
Thank You guys...
See you at my next blog...bye.